'Lace' Am GCh/Can GCh Desert's Xtra Valentines Gift FDJ JH CGCA CGN
Date of Birth- Feb 14, 2012
Owners- Sherri Doratti
Breeder- Sherri Doratti, Desert ES & C Pitta
Sire- MBIS/BISS Can GCh Ex/Am GCh Legends What Women Want FDJ 'Nick'
Dam- Am GCh/Can/Int'l Ch Desert's All Lit Up
OFA Good Hips, Elbows Clear, BAER Clear
Click here for her pedigree
To see Lace's slideshow of pictures, click here
Lace is one of the two girls we kept from Nick X Nova. She has a sweet, outgoing personality and is a sound, solid girl.
Who could resist this charmer???
At Lace's first show weekend at the Enumclaw Shows in Washington State, she had some fun. Both she and her sister Venus were shown, starting at 6 months and 3 days old. You can see the news over the weekend here, and we are happy to say it was a fine start for her with a Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5 point major! A couple weeks later, at the Skaha Shows in BC, she won her first Canadian point and a Puppy Group under Irish Setter Breeder Judge Margaret Jones. She was showing pretty wild and with great enthusiasm, lol. More practice was needed, so we attended a couple local fun matches, where she won Best in Match/Best Puppy in Match under Irish Setter Breeder Pam Legault.
In May of 2013 we attended the Gold Country ES Fanciers weekend of shows, where Lace won the puppy sweeps under judge Janet Jenkins Hylton (Ashton Irish Setters) and went reserve winners bitch to a 5 point major at the accompaning shows. She also completed her Canine Good Citizen title. While we were in California, Lace got to try her paw at bird work, which was fun! Maybe one day she'll try for a Junior Hunter, she surely loves it.
We went to the WVESF Specialties in Oregon, where Lace again won the Puppy Sweepstakes with a large entry of puppies and won or placed in tough Bred by classes all 4 times she was shown.
At the Merritt Shows in BC, over 2 days Lace added 5 points to her Canadian count, both under sporting breeder judges. She also won a Group 4 one day, plus Best Bred by in Group and Best Bred by in Show on both of the days.
Lace finished her Canadian Championship and added a CGN to her name at the Calgary shows in August 2013. She won the puppy sweeps and the breeders sweeps at the Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty as well!
We will now continue to pursue her American Championship and field work, which she loves.
2014 has been a good year for Lace, she won a 4 point major at the Gold Country Specialty in May as well as an Award of Merit and Best bred by also. She was in her first hunt tests and passed one leg toward her Junior Hunter title (need 4 passes). Back in Canada, at the Vernon shows she won a Group 3rd and began her quest for her Grand Canadian Ch title. A few weeks later, at the ESCC National weekend in Winnipeg, she completed that title with several BOS to her dad Nick, and a Select Bitch at the ESCC Regional Specialty. On the Puget Sound weekend in Sept, she won a US WB/BW major, and went on to add to her collection of ribbons with a Best Bred by in Group and a Best Bred By in Show at the Gig Harbor Shows the same day! We were super proud of this win, she showed like a rockstar and it was under James Dok, who has had top winning Guys 'N Dolls ES in the past and breeds Basset Hounds.
She completed her Canine Good Citizen Advanced title, plus passed her Therapy Dog International Test. She has been continuing on with field work and earned one more pass towards her JH title in late October. She has also been certified for St John's Ambulance Pet Therapy in Canada and she is doing a great job being a therapy dog!
On May 8, 9 and 10 of 2015 Lace was entered at the Gold Country English Setter Fanciers 2 specialties and the two associated all breed shows. We are so happy to say that she won Winners Bitch for a 4 point major at the am specialty under Marsha Hall Brown, then won the bred by class and Best Bred by in Specialty in the pm specialty under Richard Camacho. Saturday under Susanne Dillin Lace won WB/BW for another 4 point major, to finish her American Championship. What a nice way to finish up her title! Two weeks later she finished her Junior Hunter title in the US.
Upon our return to Canada, she won a couple Group 1sts, plus other Group placements and her first Field Dog Junior pass as well.
2016 brings us farther along in her field work and show career. In April we attended 2 days of fun field tests with the BCPABPC, with was really good for us all. Thanks to this club for putting on a great event, we really learned lots! In June we attended the WVESF Specialties and Clackamus All Breed shows, where Lace did really well. She went Best of Opposite at the first specialty, then Select Bitch at the afternoon specialty. On the Sunday of the all breed, Lace won the Breed and went on to win a Group 4th in a huge lineup of nice sporting dogs! This isn't an easy feat and as a breeder/owner/handler I am really happy with these wins. Lace is now on 22 American Grand Champion points (needs 25 to earn this title), all with Majors and all with Ch defeated.
Continuing with showing in Canada, Lace won a Reseve Best in Show, 2 Group 1sts, Best Bred By in Show at the Vernon Shows, and a Group 3rd at the shows in Campbell River, BC. In Castlegar at the WKKC Shows, Lace earned 3 Group 2nds.
We were fortunate to have Jim Dok as our specialty judge at the PSESC Specialties in August of 2016, and Lace won a 5 point Grand Championship major for Best of Opposite in Specialty to finish her Grand Championship!