'Libby' Am/Can Ch Desert's Electric Blue BN JH RA OA OAJ AXP AJP CGC NW3
Date of Birth- March 28, 2007
Breeder - Sherri Doratti, Desert ES
Owner - Lisa Letourneau, Vancouver, WA
Sire- BISS Am/Can Ch. Desert's Electric Slide 'Slide'
Dam- Ch Fieldgate's Perfect Storm 'Storm'
BAER status Bilateral Clear
OFA Hips, Elbows and Thyroid clear
Libby makes her home in Vancouver, WA with Lisa and Chal, and their English Setter Diva. Lisa spends alot of time doing agility, rally obedience, obedience and will also show Libby when she is ready. I am so happy that Lisa was ready to start a new puppy and that she and Chal came up to spend time with us. She had been looking for awhile for a new buddy, and it is so lucky for Libby that she's the girl!
At Libby's first AKC show, from the 6-9 mo class, she wins her first Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex for her first point!! We were so proud! Right after this, from the bottom of the 12-18 class, Libby won her second point with a breed win over a specials bitch! She since won her 3rd point and she got more experience in a large entry at the US National. She finished her Championship with a 4 point major in the spring of 2011 and also has started on her Grand Championship!
Here is a quote from an email Lisa sent to me:
'Just wanted to let you know Libby passed her Delta Society Pet Partner (therapy dog) aptitude test last weekend. This is a really tough test - 20 separate evaluations, some obedience/manners but most on interacting with people in varying settings/scenarios. She passed with flying colors - the highest score she could receive for each test was a 2 (the scale was not ready, 1, 2). She scored 18 "2s" and 2 "1s." The 1s came when she was to ignore another dog who was in close proximity to us (it WAS a handsome male aussie, after all) and on her reaction to a loud banging distraction behind her (big startle but quick recovery then moved right on). All her people interaction and manners obedience scores were 2s. The evaluators were more than impressed, especially given her age. Most dogs who pass this therapy dog test are >3 years old and it's quite rare that a dog gets such high scores (Gunner does, but he too is exceptionally well-suited to being a therapy dog). Once we get all the paperwork processed, she'll share visiting duties with Gunner (we visit hospice patients) and I'm trying to find some other visiting options for her (and Gunner). She's going to be an awesome therapy dog. I'll send a picture of her in her "working vest" after we're "official." '
We are proud to say that Libby has finished her Rally Novice Obedience title! She went out to Minnesota to the ESAA National, where she placed 4th in her class, then won her next leg at the Puyallup shows, then finished her title at the Portland shows in January 2010.
Libby also has 3 passes towards her Junior Hunter title and is going to pursue that and more field work in 2011. Congratulations to Lisa for all her hard work with this bright, funny, sweet girl, we couldn't be more proud of their versatility!
Yeah! We are so happy to say that Libby finished her Junior Hunter title with an impressive pass in March of 2011.
On July 1st, 2012, Libby earned her first agility title - she now can add NAC to her name (novice agility certificate) in NADAC. On July 7, 2012, Libby finished her AKC Novice Jumpers Title with a first place in her jump height! These girls keep amazing us with their talents and hard work :-)
On November 7, 2012, Libby won two more passes in Rally Advanced, earning her the title RA :-) This happened during the week of ESAA National Shows in New Mexico. One pass happened at the English Setter Club of Phoenix Specialty, and one at the ESAA National. Congrats to these two, what a team!
On November 24, 2012, Libby finished up her points requirement for her Canadian Championship! Congrats to Libby and Lisa again, on a job well done!
Libby carries on with Lisa, earning a Open Jumpers in January 2013 and her Open Standard agility title in February 2013, plus passes in Excellent Standard and Excellent Jumpers with Weaves (JWW). They are going to go for Junior Hunter Advanced title too. What an incredible team they are :-)
Libby's titles to end of Feb, 2016 are as follows:
Am/ Can Ch- achieved Show Championships in both the US and Canada
BN- Beginner Novice
RA- Rally Advanced, comes after Rally Novice (2nd level)
JH- Junior Hunter
OA- Open Agility
OAJ- Open Agility Jumper
AXP- Agility Excellent 'A' Preferred
AJP- Excellent Agility JUmpers with Weaves 'A' Preferred
Plus she has achieved various Nosework Titles, the highest thus far is Nosework 3 :)