Renee whelped 5 pups, 3 boys and 2 girls.she's a great mom!Bruiser, he weighed in at 14.5 ozs when he was born, a big dude!unfortunately one girl didn't gain weight and passed away.  Shawn and Nadeen worked super hard to try and save her, but sometimes it happens no matter what we do.a creative eater261665_10150640073035212_739640211_19200871_7540837_n.jpg264045_10150640072830212_739640211_19200868_6935290_n.jpgBruiser at 3 daysJunior at 3 daysRepeat, at 3 days oldChatty Cathy, orange girl at 3 days264135_10150686009695212_739640211_19515476_2416166_n.jpgMom Renee cleaning a pupDad Slide checking out the kidsChandler with CathyRepeat and JRNadeen and Repeatdad checking out the little ones
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unfortunately one girl didn't gain weight and passed away. Shawn and Nadeen worked super hard to try and save her, but sometimes it happens no matter what we do.