January 31, 2003- June 2, 2017
Breeder/Owner- Sherri Doratti, Desert English Setters
Sire-Am/Can Ch Aces Mighty Mustang 'Taz'
Dam-Ch Desert's Smashing Punkin 'Tara'
BAER Status: Clear Db #4007
OFA Status: Hips Good, ES6735G25M-PI
Elbows Clear, ES1234M25-PI
AKC DNA #V474931
Slide was a good showdog from go! He went to his first sanction match and won two Group 1's and two Best Puppy in Groups, at only 4 months old. Slide completed his Canadian Championship at 8 months old, with some very nice BW wins, 5 Best Puppy in Groups and one BEST PUPPY IN SHOW! Slide attended the 2004 ESAA National in California as a 20 month old dog, and won 3rd in a strong open male class under Michelle Billings. He won Reserve Winners Dog at the Puget Sound Specialty Show Sept 22, 2005, then won his first US Best of Breed at the Gig Harbor Shows, at a supported entry, Sept 24, 2005 from the Bred By Class, for a 5 point major win under Anne Katona! Slide won his Maturity class, and 3rd in a big Bred By Class in Chicago at the US National, October, 2005. He also won Reserve Winners Dog at the Puget Sound Specialty Show in Sept 2006, and on the same weekend, he won WD and Best of Winners for a second major, this one a 3 point. Slide finished his American Championship at the Portland Shows in January 2007 with 2 more major wins. This finished his American Championship with 4 majors!
Slide won the breed at the Puget Sound English Setter Club Specialty on Sept 21, 2007, under judge Richard Beauchamp from California. He also attended the ESAA National in Cincinnati and made the cut in a huge class of specials. He showed well at both specialties on the trip, and it was wonderful to receive so many compliments on his quality and conditioning from people. As a veteran dog, he attended the Williamette ES Fanciers Specialty in June 2010, and the Puget Sound Specialty in Sept of 2010, where he won an Award of Merit.
Slide was bred to Storm twice, once in 2007 and once in 2009. You can go to our litter pages to see the puppies. He recently won ESCC Stud Dog of the Year for all their wins, and has most surely passed along his wonderful temperament.
He really is a special boy, with a great temperament, outgoing, sweet and loving! He cruises through life, fitting in with situations, wondering at everything, and loving everyone. Slide was in Winnipeg with Shawn and Nadeen Bennett and their family, where he bred Renee (see the litters page for more info). While he was staying there, Shawn decided to show him a bit. Their first weekend out resulted in 2 Group 2's and we are so proud! They did a great job conditioning, showing and loving him, and while we didn't imagine he would have a show career at 8 years old. He finished up 2011 as number 13 ES in Canada, with a number of group placements and a Best of breed at a Sporting Dog Specialty as well as Best Veteran.
In 2012, we took him to the Puget Sound/Ranier Sporting Dog and Enumclaw cluster of shows in August, where he won his first Grand Champion Major Select Dog (and a 5 pointer at that) at Ranier Sporting Dog. He also showed his heart out at the PSESC Specialty and missed out on an Award of Merit due to an error, but did win Best Veteran and kudos from many around the ring. In September of 2012, Sherri and Slide attended a CGN test (Canine Good Neighbor, the equivalent to a CGC in the US) and Slide passed! He has been frozen a couple of times with great results.
In May of 2013, we attended the Gold Country ESF shows in Woodland CA, where Slide won Best of Opposite Sex at the first specialty as well as Veteran Sweeps. He also completed his CGC and have a great time. See our news pages for more pictures.
To date, his get have aquired the following titles:
Am/Can Ch Desert's Electric Blue BN JH RA NJ OA OAJ AXP AJP NAC CGC NW3 (Letourneau)
HIT Am Ch/ MRBIS Can Ch/ BIS Elite CFC Ch Desert's Electrified CD RN CGN (LeBlanc)
Am/Can Ch Desert's More Than Electric JH CGC CGN (Spann)
Grand Am/Can/Int'l Ch Desert's All Lit Up (Pitta)
Am/Can Ch Fieldgate Summer Celebration CGC (Novak)
Can Ch Sunsetter's Moving Forward RN CGC (Bennetts)
Can Ch Sunsetter's Made of Honor (Bennett/Bennett)
Sunsetter's Fly Me To The Moon (Warkentin)